Treasure Green Tea Company’s Aged Wild Shou Mei | Tea Review

Tea received at a discount for review

Did you know that white tea could be aged? I didn’t know for a long time either, but I found it really brings out the white tea flavour so, I was craving some recently!

Description: “The wild white tea has a rich flavour with noticeable sweetness right from the first infusion, and the organic snow bud adds a perfect balance of smoothness to the tea.”

Review: When I started on my tea adventure, there was one tea I was always wary about when brewing – white tea since it always tasted very mild. I chocked it up to bad brewing technique and stayed away from it. However, during my Asia Trip, I learned how to brew white tea and about aged white tea.

So, I was excited when I found a bag of Aged Wild Shou Mei! The dry leaves had a nice floral and honey smell. The tea was made up of leaves and fuzzy buds. Once steeped, the leaves became a dark chocolate brown and more of a sweet earthy aroma.

The steeping instructions do not list that the tea could be infused more than once, but I decided to steep were three times. The liquor during the first sleep was a light amber colour. It had a nice range of flavours: the tea started off sweet and floral, and then transformed into a more hay flavour. It left the mouth water slightly and there was some mild astringency at the tail end.

The second infusion had a darker yellow-orange colour. It had a much lighter flavour and was sweet and floral with no astringency. The last steep was similar in colour with the first infusion but by then the leaves were spent and the flavour was very light.

Overall, I really enjoyed this white tea and it had a nice range of flavours. While the second infusion had a nice flavour, I understand why the label only had recommendations for one infusion (3.5/5 rating).

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Gabie - Tea End Blog October 19, 2018 - 4:27 am
Beautiful! My favorite tea type is white tea! Thanks for sharing this aged white tea, it sounds delicious and the way you describe it, it is as if I can smell the tea steeping right now...
teainspoons October 20, 2018 - 4:55 pm
Hello Gabie, Thank you for reading! Glad you enjoyed the post and it means a lot that you feel you can smell it from how I described it!
Mel Hattie October 19, 2018 - 7:57 am
I'm totally a fan of aged white tea too, and way prefer it to non-aged white tea at the moment. Also, whenever I look at aged white tea I picture an old man with a big tea beard.
teainspoons October 19, 2018 - 9:09 pm
I never saw aged white tea that way before, but now I can't unsee the image in my head! Love it!
Mel Hattie October 20, 2018 - 1:37 pm
Haha, old man tea for the win.
Laura October 23, 2018 - 8:33 pm
It is so cool to learn about different tea varieties and what they can offer nutritionally, in flavor and just for pleasure and enjoyment. Thanks for reviewing such unique teas and talking all about them!
teainspoons October 24, 2018 - 4:45 pm
Hello Laura. Glad you enjoy my blog and that you are learning alongside me when it comes to tea!
teasbyjay November 14, 2018 - 12:39 pm
That’s great! I grew up drinking green, and I haven’t tried white yet. Any brewing tips? Great review!
teainspoons November 15, 2018 - 1:48 pm
Hello Jay, my big tip is that like green tea, white tea needs a lower temperature. It is also a very subtle tea, so I feel it may take practice to bring out the best of the tea.
The Chinese Tea Shop's 2006 High Mountain Shou Mei Loose Leaf White Tea | Tea Review - Tea in Spoons November 15, 2018 - 10:29 pm
[…] the last time I had aged white tea, it has been on my mind and I have been craving it. Thankfully, I had some more and this actually […]
tokounion November 28, 2018 - 5:07 am
What is the discount code for Treasure Green Tea Company? Thanks
teainspoons November 28, 2018 - 11:36 am
I received an in-store discount. Sorry, I don't have a discount code!
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