When I saw the name “Iced Princess,” I originally was surprised because I expected ‘iced’ to denote something cooling, like mint. However, I think it is because it can also be iced tea!
Description: “A juicy blend of papayas, apples and oranges with a hint of green tea.”
Review: I generally do not go for teas that can also be iced, because I find that sometimes the tea can be overly sweet or overly tart, which is needed so that the flavour is more balanced when iced (think frozen ice cream compared to melted ice cream). However, I am always up for an adventure!
The dry blend had a bright juicy smell – it was a mixture of fruity, sweet, and tart. Once steeped, the liquor had a very similar smell. It was also pink, so I wonder if that is where the ‘princess’ part of the name comes from!
Since the hibiscus was the second ingredient, I expected the tea to be fairly tart. However, it actually had a good balance of sweetness and tartness, along with a good amount of fruitiness. The hibiscus had the longest staying power. I let this blend cool, and I found that the tartness overtook it with the trade-off of also becoming more floral. Therefore, I liked it hot/warm the best. Like the other teas I have tried that CitizenTea suggested iced, I can see this one being even better iced (3/5 rating)!
- Day: 7 of 25 in 25 Day Tea Journey
- Type: Black tea, green tea
- Origin: Unknown
- Caffeine: Caffeine-free
- Ingredients: Apple pieces, hibiscus, black tea, green tea, orange peels, papaya pieces (papaya, sugar, calcium chloride, citric acid), flavouring
- Company: CitizenTea
The question of the post: What are your thoughts on hibiscus?