March 5th, 2021 marked my 6th year of running Tea in Spoons and I wanted to reflect on my tea journey and share the side project I’ve been working on behind the scenes!
I still can’t believe this tea adventure all started because I walked into a DAVIDsTEA one afternoon after a shift at work. What began as a Tumblr blog to help ground me after moving to a new city has given me opportunities I never dreamed of such as living on a tea farm in Japan, travelling to Taiwan, Hong Kong, and New York, being a judge, or a panellist, and meeting all my tea friends! Running this blog has truly changed my life.
As I move forward with the blog, I want to pick up my TEA 101 series again and create more content for new tea drinkers. I’ve had a few people tell me that they found my blog when they first started their tea journey, and I want to give future new tea drinkers as many tools and information as I can. I also want to expand and explore more areas of teas that interest me, such as comparative tastings and tasting from new and exciting regions!
Now to the side project, I’ve been teasing throughout the post: I made my own custom spoons (top/left one in the photo)! I have to first give big thanks to Lu Ann from The Cup of Life who persistently kept suggesting I should make my own spoons. So after 6 months of hard work, I did! The spoon, from design to the finished product, has been my brainchild. While I’ve loved using the DAVIDsTEA’s Perfect Spoon (metal ones), after 6 years I wanted to have something to commemorate my tea adventure and spoons to call my own. I’m delighted with the results and I hope everyone likes them too!
Lastly, thank you to everyone who has been here on this journey and for supporting and encouraging me. It does mean a lot. Even after all these years, there is still so much to see and learn about tea and I hope everyone comes along with me for the ride. Here’s to more tea. Let’s go!
The question of the post: What was your first tea memory?
Edit: Jann from Tea with Jann kindly wished me a happy blog-anniversary in her Tea News video, as well as Nicole from Tea from Me Please in her weekly round-up! Make sure to check out all the news and blog posts that also came out this week!