Nepal Tea LLC’s White Prakash | Tea Review

Tea provided for review

A few months ago, Nepal Tea reached out and offered to send me some samples. I was intrigued to see what they would give me and this was one of them!

Description: “White Prakash is a velvety floral premium organic white tea with vanilla top-notes, and spring blossoms, muscatel, and melted butter flavors.”

Instructions: Approximately 2 grams | 8.5 fl. oz. | 180º F | steep for 4 minutes

Review: Since spring is in the air, the “spring blossoms” description of this white tea seemed fitting. I’ve tasted this tea in the past, but since it had been some time, I wanted to try it again! The tea comes from the Kanchanjangha Tea Estate in the foothills of Mt. Kanchenjunga, located in eastern Nepal. The Estate is a cooperative that focuses “on the people and planet before profit.” I wrote in more detail about the cooperative in my previous post.

The White Prakash is slightly different from other white tea as it has undergone an additional step of processing than other white teas. The leaves are rolled as well as withered and dried. The dry leaves were white, brown and, sage green long fluffy buds and small leaves with a spring jasmine/floral aroma. After infusing for 4 minutes, the leaves unfurled into olive and light chocolate brown coloured one bud and one leaf pickings. There was an unexpected smoky smell followed by some fruity sweetness.

The tea liquor was a pale yellow colour with a sweet fruity note and some lingering hay smell. It tasted sweet like honey, fresh flowers, and muscatel and ended with some underlying hay. The end of the sip was drying. When cooled, there was a hint of sweetness interwoven with hay and a similar dryness at the back of the throat.

I tasted this with some shortbread cookies and the tea brought out the butteriness of the cookies and the cookies emphasized the sweet floral notes of the tea! It was a lovely pairing. Overall, this is a nice white tea for someone who enjoys white teas, floral notes, or a more delicate tea (4/5 rating).

Another reason I picked this tea is that tomorrow is International Tea Day. I wanted to focus on a tea that comes from an Estate that aligns with the goal of the Day which is to foster more tea sustainable production and raise awareness regarding fighting hunger and poverty within the industry. I’ve written more about International Tea Day in my post last year, but to more regarding the UN’s goals for sustainability, hunger, and poverty in the tea industry, please read the adopted resolution or the website. Also, check out Nicole from Tea from Me Please’s post on how to celebrate the day!

  • Type: White tea
  • Origin: Nepal
  • Caffeine: Low caffeine
  • Ingredients: White tea 
  • Other: 2019 Global Tea Championship – Bronze Medal
  • Company: Nepal Tea LLC

The question of the post: What are your thoughts on International Tea Day?

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