PURRsonaliTEAS’ Himalayan KitTea | Tea Review

Since this blog focuses on tea, my fondness for cats isn’t generally reflected. However, when I heard about this cat-themed brand, it was the merging of two loves!

Description: “A full-bodied black tea infused with one of the best combinations — chocolate and hazelnut!” – via Amoda Tea

Instructions: 1 tsp | 80 oz cup | freshly boiled water | 4 minutes

Review: PURRsonaliTEAS is created by the people behind BrutaliTeas. I admit, rock/metal music and horror aren’t my jam, so I was happy to see a feline-inspired off-shoot. What I also liked is that the brand will donate a portion of the sales to local area animal shelters in the form of supplies or monetary donations! I purchased my tea from Amoda Tea since it sold sample sizes.

The dry blend was made of small broken tea leaves with a nutty hazelnut and musky wood smell. After brewing for 4 minutes, the liquor developed into a clear reddish-brown colour and had a sweet woody smell.

The black tea had a noticeable amount of tannins at the start of the sip, which was followed by woodiness, sweetness, and a lingering hazelnut at the end of the sip. There was some dryness at the back of the throat. The taste reminded me mildly of hazelnut spread/Nutella.

The label noted that the blend was “[p]urrfect with or without a splash of milk[,]” so I brewed a cup and added a splash of almond milk. I may have been a bit heavy-handed, but the almond milk overpowered the blend and I primarily tasted hazelnut flavouring. After the liquor cooled, while the almond milk was still the most forward note, there was also a malt/cocoa and woody taste followed by hazelnuts that weaved throughout the sip. Since I used a nut milk, the nuttiness was elevated and more pronounced. The liquor also left the back of the mouth drying.

The broken dark brown wet leaves did not have a noticeable smell.

This is a nice black tea and hazelnut blend and the flavours did not overwhelm one another. This would be good for people who enjoy black teas with tannins, sweet blends, or hazelnuts! I checked the PURRsonaliTEAS’ Instagram before posting (since the website was down), and it looks like the website is being revamped, so stay tuned for that. I am excited to see what other cat-themed teas (and puns) will come out in the future (3.5/5 rating).

  • Type: Black tea
  • Origin: Unknown
  • Caffeine: High caffeine
  • Ingredients: Black tea, honeybush, cocoa nibs, natural chocolate and hazelnut flavours
  • Company: PURRsonaliTeas (Instagram)

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