The Monarch Tea Co.’s Garden Party | Tea Review

by Tea in Spoons

The Monarch Tea Co. Garden Party Herbal Tea Spoon

Description: “A beautiful herbal tea blend of chamomile, rose and spearmint to calm and relax your mind and body.” – via Amoda Monthly Box

Review: As someone who has a bit of a wacky sleep schedule right now, I always welcome a relaxing tea. One ingredient that I find that really relaxes me is chamomile, so this was already promising for me! I actually haven’t had chamomile as the main ingredient in a tea for a while. I found the blend very pretty, and I can see where its name comes from!

It smelled a bit like a garden, with soothing chamomile and a hint of roses and spearmint. I thought that this was a great example of how you are able to smell each ingredient based on how much is in the blend. Both the liquor and the infused blend had a sweet chamomile aroma. The liquor was dark yellow, with a greenish tinge.

The blend had a great balance of chamomile and mint. My first sip was a great mixture of both flavours. While drinking the tisane, I found that it wavered sometimes between a strong chamomile flavour to a minty one. Overall, this tea was very comforting and it did make me sleepy (3.5/5 rating).

  • Type: Herbal tea
  • Origin: Unknown
  • Caffeine: Caffeine-free
  • Ingredients: Chamomile, rose petals, spearmint
  • Company: The Monarch Tea Co.

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Lu Ann @ The Cup of Life November 14, 2017 - 11:20 am

It definitely is a very pretty blend! I hope it continues to help you with your sleep schedule 🙂

teainspoons November 14, 2017 - 11:31 am

Thanks! I hope so too!

TEA FEATURE & TEA REVIEW: Amoda Tea & December 2017 Monthly Tea Subscription Box – Tea in Spoons January 11, 2018 - 4:15 pm

[…] you don’t enjoy chamomile, this may not be the one for you. My original thoughts are here: TEA REVIEW: The Monarch Tea Co.’s Garden Party (3.5/5 […]


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