DAVIDsTEA’s Sticky Rice Oolong | Tea Review

by Tea in Spoons

DAVIDsTEA Sticky Rice Oolong spoon

Sticky rice is a nostalgic food for me! I remember getting sticky rice wrapped in lotus leaves at dim sum as a child. Therefore, I knew that I had to pick this up right away!

Description: “This sweet and creamy oolong is blended with Nuo Mi Xiang – a tender Chinese herb that tastes and smells just like sticky rice.”

Instructions: 1-2 Perfect Spoonfuls of tea | 475 ml (16 oz) of 90/195water for hot tea or 295 ml (10 oz) for iced | Steep for 4-5 minutes

DAVIDsTEA Sticky Rice Oolong dry dish

Review: While the tea has now become an online-exclusive only, when I first encountered this tea, it was actually in shops! When I smelled the tightly rolled oolongs, it had the distinct sweet rice smell that I would encounter after opening steamed sweet sticky rice in the lotus leaf. I was so excited to taste it!

After steeping it for 4 minutes, the wet reddish-brown leaves had mostly unfurled and smelled sweet and savoury just like sticky rice! There was also a floral and grassy undertone. It smelled very promising.

DAVIDsTEA Sticky Rice Oolong wet dish

The liquor smelled sweet and reminded me of rice and mushrooms. It was a clear reddish-orange. The taste was much more grassy, with earthy tones and mild herbal and there was a faint “sticky rice” undertones that lingered.

I tried steeping the tea for more because I wanted to see if I could get a stronger the “sticky rice” taste that I had smelled from the dry tea, but it still had a predominantly medical and herbal taste.

Overall, while I loved how the tea smelled, which brought me right back to eating dim sum on a Saturday morning with my family, the taste did not match up to the smell (2.5/5 rating).

  • Type: Oolong tea
  • Origin: Taiwan
  • Caffeine: Low caffeine
  • Ingredients: Oolong tea, sticky rice leaves (Nuo Mi Xiang)
  • Other: Kosher
  • Company: DAVIDsTEA

The question of the post: Have you had sticky rice before?

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philrushworthzhentea March 7, 2019 - 7:31 am

I’ve had the ones with the pork at the center! So delicious!

teainspoons March 7, 2019 - 10:38 pm

Yes, I know the one! With the salted egg? Yummy!

TeaIsAWishBlog March 10, 2019 - 5:24 am

Sticky Rice oolong sounds amazing! I’m crazy on oolong at the moment so I’m always on the luck out for new blends and things with it in

teainspoons March 11, 2019 - 12:09 pm

Yeah! This was a neat one because it is made with the herb.

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