DAVIDsTEA’s Jasmine Black Pearls | Tea Review

by Tea in Spoons


In Hong Kong, I learned a lot about how scented tea and pearl teas are made! So, when I saw this in the shop and gave it a smell, I knew I wanted to give it a taste!

Description: “With its delicate jasmine aroma, caramel notes and wild honey sweetness, it’s definitely a tea experience worth seeking out.”

Instructions: 1-2 Perfect Spoonfuls | 475 ml/16 oz | 95°C /200°F | 3-5 minutes

Review: Until I visited Hong Kong last year, I didn’t realize the sheer amount of work and dedication it takes to make jasmine scented teas or tea pearls. It is a very lengthy and delicate process. With that being said, I’ve found that when I understand how the tea is grown and produced, I can appreciate the teas in a different light. Therefore, I wanted to give this tea a sip!

The tea pearls were tightly knit together and the leaves were mostly dark brown with some golden orange sections. The jasmine smell was unmistakable and almost overwhelming from the pouch. Once the hot water was added, there was a huge puff of jasmine smell in the air. After 4 minutes of infusions, the leaves had unfurled but a few of the pearls had still retained some of its’s shape. The wet leaves had a very strong jasmine smell but a surprisingly faint fruity smell.


The liquor was a clear dark copper with a very strong jasmine smell. As expected, the liquor had a strong floral note that enveloped the mouth with some earthy notes that lingered. The middle of the sip wavered between a hint of astringency and then shifting back to a more gentle jasmine taste. Once cooled, the liquor did carry a bit more astringency, but the jasmine flavour cut through it. Overall, this would be a tea for someone who really enjoys a floral or jasmine teas. It made a good afternoon drink (3.5/5 rating).

  • Type: Black tea
  • Origin: China (Hunan Province)
  • Caffeine: High caffeine
  • Other: Organic, Kosher
  • Ingredients: Black tea pearls scented with jasmine blossoms
  • Company: DAVIDsTEA

The question of the post: Do you enjoy jasmine scented teas?

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Lu Ann @ The Cup of Life October 5, 2019 - 12:50 pm

If it’s not overpowering, I do. I drink them, but never really crave Jasmine scented tea.

teainspoons October 5, 2019 - 5:44 pm

Yes, I agree! It is a bit too much for me when it is very overpowering.

TeaIsAWishBlog October 8, 2019 - 5:26 pm

I wish I could have jasmine secented tea but it gives me such incredibly bad heartburn

teainspoons October 9, 2019 - 9:44 pm

Ohhh! That is too bad. No worries, there is so much tea out there!

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[…] with 3 teas, a glass mug, a perfect teaspoon, and a handwritten postcard. I received Nepal Black, Jasmine Black Pearls, and Earl Grey Rooibos. Despite drinking DAVIDsTEA for many years (and the reason I started my tea […]


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