Art of Tea’s Award Winning Sampler (ft. Green Pomegranate, Tuscany, 9:00 PM, and Passionfruit Jasmine) | Tea Review

by Tea in Spoons

Tea provided for review


I always like trying new brands and a curated sampler set is a great way to get to know a brand!


Art of Tea reached and sent me their Award Winning Sampler set which contained a gift box with four metal tins of teas and a box of 100 tea filter bags. The teas were Green Pomegranate (green/black tea), Tuscany (white tea), 9:00 PM (herbal), and Passionfruit Jasmine (black/green tea). I thought I would share it with everyone!

Green Pomegranate


Description: “Sweeten the senses with a tart and tangy rush to the palate.”

Instructions: 180-185 F degrees | 3 minutes |1 tsp/8oz

Review: I liked the combination of green and black tea leaves mixed together with the rosehip and raspberries. There was a whiff of gunpowder and raspberries with a mildly earthy note from the dry blend.


After steeping for 3 minutes, the liquor was a golden yellow colour. The flavours started off pomegranate then grassy to raspberry. I didn’t see pomegranate on the ingredient list, so I assume it is the flavouring. I found the tea a bit drying at the back of the mouth and had a bit of a strange aftertaste (2.5/5 rating).

  • Type: Green tea, black tea
  • Origin: Unknown
  • Caffeine: Medium
  • Ingredients: Organic green tea, organic black tea, organic rosehips, organic raspberries, natural flavors
  • Company: Art of Tea



Description: “This delightful blend, with its light floral essence and smooth minty finish, is perfect as an after meal pick-me-up or as a late night elixir to refresh the mind and enhance the mood.”

Instructions: 175-185 F degrees | 1-3 minutes | 1 Tbsp/8oz

Review: This blend was so pretty! I liked the fuzzy white tea buds and the contrast with the deep red rose petals. Which is why I was surprised when the dry blend smelled strongly of mint!


After steeping, the liquor was pale, almost colourless with a faint rose scent. I found it had a subtle taste which was rather relaxing. It was light, minty, and floral. It did require a tablespoon compared to a normal teaspoon for most teas. This tea was better at a higher temperature and longer steep time (3/5 rating).

  • Type: White tea
  • Origin: Unknown
  • Caffeine: Medium
  • Ingredients: Organic white tea, organic rose petals, organic mint, organic lavender
  • Company: Art of Tea

9:00 PM


Description: “Our 9:00 PM is a whimsical herbal blend that offers a naturally sweet treat with hints of mint and a creamy finish reminiscent of peach cobbler.”

Instructions: 206 F degrees | 5-7 minutes | 1 Tbsp/8oz


Review: While rooibos isn’t always a tisane I gravitate toward, I did like that the sampler set included a caffeine-free option. The dry blend had a nice fruity smell but surprisingly, I couldn’t really smell the mint. After steeping, the reddish-brown liquor had a sweet minty and floral taste. This one lived up to its description and reminded me of desserts, baked goods, and caramel (3.5/5 rating).

  • Type: Rooibos
  • Origin: Unknown
  • Caffeine: Caffeine-free
  • Ingredients: Rooibos, organic spearmint, organic peppermint, osmanthus flowers, natural and artificial flavors
  • Company: Art of Tea


Passionfruit Jasmin


Description: “[B]lack and green teas, jasmine blossoms, and passionfruit essence has a long lasting, sweet flavor and astounding aroma that carries well hot and as a refreshing iced tea.”

Instructions: 206 F degrees | 3-5 minutes | 1 tsp/8oz


Review: Like the other blends, I found this one very pretty with the jasmine flowers in contrast with the black tea. It had a very faint smell and I could only smell raspberries which may from the Green Pomegranate since the tins weren’t completely sealed. After steeping for 4 minutes, the liquor was a dark reddish colour. It had jasmine and earthy taste with a hint of passion fruit which may be a natural flavour. The website mentioned that this blend won best-iced tea (2.5/5 rating).

  • Type: Black tea, green tea
  • Origin: Unknown
  • Caffeine: Medium
  • Ingredients: Organic black tea, organic green tea, organic jasmine flowers, natural flavors
  • Company: Art of Tea

Final Thoughts

Overall, I liked the presentation of the tin boxes, the filters, and how pretty the blends were. This would be a nice gift for someone who may not drink a lot of tea since it comes with filters! However, the tins were rather small, so it was hard to scoop out tea, even more so for the blends that recommended a tablespoon. I ended up spilling some tea.

I also liked the range of tea types with 2 black/green tea blends, 1 white tea, and 1 roobois (tisane). Tastewise, I liked the white and the rooibos best. I need to play with the parameters more with the black and green tea blends. When I tried it at a lower temperature and time, it wasn’t very strong but the flavours tasted “off” at higher temperatures. I am unsure if some of the flavours and smells travelled from one tin to another which is why the two green and black tea blends tasted strange since they weren’t completely sealed.

While the black and green teas weren’t for me, I could still see this being a nice gift for someone who is starting tea (due to the range of teas and filters) or someone who likes tea and enjoys exploring new brands.

The question of the post: What tea set should I try next?

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