Camellia Sinensis Teahouse’s Choco Shou | Tea Review

by Tea in Spoons

Camellia Sinensis Tea House Choco Shou Tea Spoon

Description: “The taste is smooth, rich (there’s mini chocolate chips in this afterall) with a lingering sweetness.” – Via Amoda Tea

Review: I’ve had a few blends with pu-erh and chocolate in the past, and I’ve enjoyed them quite a bit! The colour of dark brown leaves blended perfectly with the chocolate chips. However, the chocolates had some slight blooming. The dry blend smelled earthy and cocoa.

I was a bit concerned about steeping the blend because I’ve had blends with chocolate which left an oily film on the top of the liquor. I personally don’t find that appealing to drink. However, I was surprised that the top of the liquor was completely clear. When I looked at the wet blend, I realized that the water was hot enough to melt the chocolate chips, but not completely dissolve them into the liquor.

The reddish-brown liquor had a strong shou flavour, which was earthy and robust. The tail notes of the tea had a sweet vanilla and chocolate taste. Overall, this was a nice tea with a nice hint of sweetness (3/5 rating).

  • Type: Fermented Tea (Pu’erh)
  • Origin: China
  • Caffeine: Medium
  • Ingredients: White moon pu-erh tea
  • Company: Camellia Sinensis Tea House



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