Shuswap Infusions Tea Company’s Delight | Tea Review

by Tea in Spoons

Shuswap Infusions Tea Delight Rooibos tea Spoon

Description:  “The mint in this is spearmint rather than peppermint, making each sip sweet and warming.” – via Amoda Monthly Box

Review: I have been enjoying minty blends, so I was happy to see this one in my monthly box! After opening the package, I noticed a strong whiff of spearmint. It reminded me of a candy cane!

After steeping, the spearmint aroma subsided slightly. The liquor was a reddish-brown colour and smelled of spearmint with a hint of sweetness. Often times when I steep teas, the wet leaves have a stronger aroma than the liquor does, but that wasn’t the case for this tea.

The liquor had a thick mouthfeel, and because of the spearmint, it carried a cooling sensation. There was a nice taste of mint with a lingering sweetness in the mouth from the chocolate. While the initial smell reminded me of a candy cane, it actually tasted a bit like mint chocolate chip ice cream (without the creamy texture).

This blend would be nice for someone who likes spearmint, mint, or mild chocolate flavoured candy or desserts (3/5 rating).

  • Type: Rooibos tea
  • Origin: Unknown
  • Caffeine: Caffeine-free
  • Ingredients: Rooibos, spearmint, calendula, dark chocolate
  • Company: Shuswap Infusions Tea Company


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