CitizenTea’s Cold Relief | Tea Review

by Tea in Spoons

CitizenTea Cold Relief spoon

As someone who is prone to getting sick during the colder months, I am always on the hunt for blends that will make that time more soothing.

Description: “A light herbal tea to help fight cold and flu symptoms.”

Review: Visually, this is what I would expect a witch’s brew to look like, a variety of different textures and types of herbs, with an earthy and woody smell. The liquor was a light antique gold with a few particles at the bottom of the cup.  That being said, the liquor smelled like a mixture of sweet, citrus, herbal, and grassy.

Tastewise, the flavour was mostly lemongrass, peppermint, basil and oregano. The oregano lingered for the longest. For me, since the oregano and basil were the longest lasting, it reminded me more of a savoury dish, because that is where I normally encounter those ingredients. I don’t think I have had many blends with oregano before, so that was unique!

While I can imagine that this may be comforting for some under the weather, it sadly is not for me. Personally, for myself, I would have rather more ginger or peppermint taste (2.5/5 rating).

  • Day: 20 of 25 in 25 Day Tea Journey
  • Type: Herbal tea
  • Origin: Unknown
  • Caffeine: Caffeine-free
  • Ingredients: Ginger, licorice root, eucalyptus leaves, orange peel, valerian root, peppermint, lemongrass, basil leaves, cardamom seeds, cloves, oregano leaves, yarrow flower, black pepper, parsley leaves, cinnamon
  • Company: CitizenTea

The question of the post: What do you do when you have a cold?

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1 comment

CitizenTea’s 2018 25 Day Tea Journey | Tea Review – Tea in Spoons January 26, 2022 - 11:01 pm

[…] Day 20 – Cold Relief […]


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