DAVIDsTEA’s Organic Lemon Ginger | Tea Review

by Tea in Spoons

The weather this week started off rainy and cold, so I wanted something spicy and warm!

Description: “Our Organic Lemon Ginger tea delivers spicy, warming & lemon-y flavours with just a hint of licorice and fennel for a sweet background.”

Instructions: 1-2 Perfect Spoonfuls of tea | 475 ml (16 oz) of 95℃/200℉ water for hot tea or 295 ml (10 oz) for iced | Steep for 5+ minutes

Review: In the past, I have waxed on about my love for ginger in blended teas, so with the word “ginger” right in the title, I was already excited! From the pouch, the blend had a strong lemon/citrus/grapefruit smell with an underlying sweetness like lemon candies. There was a light coating of ginger over the blend which tickled the nose. After a 5 minute infusion (Mug gifted by DAVIDsTEA), the wet blend had a mostly ginger and earthy smell.

The liquor was a pale semi-cloudy yellow colour with a sweet, lemony, ginger and hint of fennel smell. The tisane had a fair amount of sweetness and tasted like hard lemon candies. The ginger taste begins gradually near the end of the sip and tickled the back of the throat and the top of the mouth. When cooled, the ginger taste was much more pronounced.

Admittedly, during my initial steeping of this blend, I forgot to set a timer and the tisane brewed for over 10 minutes. Not wanting it to go to waste, I decided to try it since the recommendations did state it could be steeped for over 5 minutes. The liquor was an opaque murky darker yellow colour. The ginger taste was much stronger followed by a herbal and lemon notes followed by heat at the back of the throat.

As I have been honing in on my food pairings when it comes to teas and tisanes, I tasted this blend first with Italian waffle-style cookies which were drying due to the ginger. I then tasted it with a mango cream roll cake which was better as the moist cake and cream dulled the ginger kick.

Overall, this is a nice blend for some who like lemons or ginger. If ginger is preferred, it can be steep for longer, but if a sweeter or lemon taste is the end goal, a shorter steep time is better. For me personally, it did what I was hoping for which is warming me up on a cold and damp day (3/5 rating).

  • Type: Herbal tea
  • Origin: Unknown
  • Caffeine: Caffeine-free
  • Other: Organic, kosher
  • Ingredients: Organic ginger, organic apple, organic lemon peel, organic licorice root, organic fennel seeds, natural lemon flavouring, organic lemon oil, natural grapefruit oil
  • Company: DAVIDsTEA

The question of the post: What do you think pairs best with lemon and ginger?

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Lu Ann May 6, 2021 - 7:11 pm

I don’t know if I would like this one with the strong ginger and then fennel. But happy to hear you enjoyed it! It does sound like a warming cup for a rainy day. I also like that you tried pairing it with pizzelle. Yum!

teainspoons May 7, 2021 - 7:17 pm

Yeah, normally the pizzelle are great on its own or with like a black tea, but I think the ginger (already slightly tickling the back of the throat), just was too drying. 🙁


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