Par Avion Tea’s Birthday Cake | Tea Review

by Tea in Spoons

This week is my 8 year blogiversary! Thank you to everyone who has joined me on this tea journey. A blend with the name “Birthday Cake” seemed like a fun way to mark the occasion.

Description: A fun and celebratory blend of sweetly scented black tea with rainbow sprinkles.” – via. Kitten and the Bear

Instructions: 1.5 teaspoons | 8 oz | 212°f | 3 minutes  

Review: I found out about Par Avion Tea through Kitten and the Bear which is a shop known for its jams, scones, and afternoon tea service! I always like pursuing the store in person or online to see all the various goodies. While on the Kitten and the Bear’s online shop, I noticed Par Avion Tea’s cute tea blend names!

Birthday Cake’s dry blend had round rainbow coloured confetti with yellow and orange floral petals nestled among the dark broken black tea leaves. The blend had a sweet vanilla and wood chip smell.

The brewed cup of tea developed an inviting vanilla and floral smell that filled the room in a comforting manner, especially during a snowstorm. The liquor was a deep reddish brown with a thin layer of film on the top of the liquor. As the name implied, the blend was sweet and tasted of vanilla and custard with some woodiness from the black tea. The sip left some residual sweetness in the mouth. When cooled, the liquor had a similar taste profile to when hot, but there was some astringency that lingered in the mouth. The wet tea leaves were broken with a mixture of flower petals and smelled sweet and of damp wood.

The blend was easy to drink and not too dry at the back of the throat. It was exactly what I expected out of a blend called “birthday cake.” Maybe because I purchased the tea from Kitten and the Bear, the blend seemed like it would taste good with jam or scones. It also reminded me of the Cup of Life’s, Lu Ann Pannunzio, Birthday Cake Tea Latte recipe which she created to celebrate her own blogiversary! Overall, this blend would be a good tea for anyone who likes blended black teas with a vanilla taste or dessert blends (3/5 rating)!

  • Type: Black tea
  • Origin: Unknown
  • Caffeine: Unknown
  • Ingredients: Black tea, candy, calendula and sunflower and safflower petals, natural flavors
  • Company: Par Avion Tea

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Tea in Spoons is where I share my love of teas through tea reviews, tea travel, tea tips, information, and more. New tea adventure every Thursday!