Last month, I tried my first bamboo aged pu-er. When I was looking through my stash, I found this and wanted to try it as well!
Tea provided for review Two weeks ago, I started my three-part series comparing Chinese black teas from Masters Teas by Adagio Teas. This is part-two with a black tea from …
Since spring is here, I wanted to have a green tea because the grassy and vegetal notes remind me of the season!
Tea provided for review I was craving black tea and this one smelled lovely! I really liked the dark twisted leaves and sweet earthy aroma.
Lately, I’ve been learning to appreciate white tea and its nuances. So, I wanted to compare two aged white teas and see the differences.
I’ve only had yellow teas a handful of times. Therefore, I really wanted to give this a taste!
Blogger Pass & Tea Provided At the Toronto Tea Festival, DAVIDsTEA had a booth showcasing their traditional teas, as well as a talk. Since DAVIDsTEA is a large reason I …
Ever since learning about aged white teas when I was in Hong Kong, I have gravitated toward them when I have a chance!
Tea Sample Provided I’ve always wanted to try a pressed cake that could be easily broken apart and brewed!