With spring in the air, this grape-flavoured sencha with its violet flowers seemed like a lovely treat!
Momo Tea
It has been a few years since I attended the Toronto Tea Festival. So, with new and familiar vendors, speakers, presenters, and tea friends going, I knew it would be …
At the end of last year, I was missing Japan, so this Japanese-themed event came at the perfect moment. It was also the first time it was held, so I …
Sometimes on a warm afternoon, I like brewing a fruity tea to sip on. Since the brand’s name has the word “Momo” in it which is Japanese for “peach,” it …
Despite all the teas I have tried over the year from Momo Tea, this is one I haven’t had before! Kabusencha is a type of Japanese green tea where the …
When I saw this tea was in stock, I quickly purchased it as Kyobancha has a special place in my heart since I harvest it while in Japan!
Since it is International Iced Tea Month, of course, I had to have something that was iced!
Two months ago I restarted my TEA 101 series that I originally began to explore teas more in depth! I enjoyed the Question and Answer format of the last post, …
Tea is a beverage that has many complexities. Therefore, I wanted to break down one question spanning three countries (China, Japan and Korea) and answer why countries have such different teas! …