DAVIDsTEA’s Lavender Buttercream | Tea Review

by Tea in Spoons


Since spring is here, I couldn’t think of a blend that seemed to represent it as more than this!

Description: “Sweet, creamy and laced with aromatic lavender, this decadent caffeine-free rooibos tea tastes just like a slice of vanilla cake with floral buttercream frosting. Sound delicious?”

Instructions: 1-2 Perfect Spoonful of tea | 475 ml (16 oz) | 95°C/200°F |4 – 5 minutes       

Review: The dry blend had a strong distinctive lavender smell. I could make out the lavender, pineapple, apple, and sugar pieces intermixed with rooibos in the dry blend. Once infused for 4 minutes, the wet blend had a sweet earthy fruity smell.


The liquor was a golden reddish amber colour and had fruity lavender smell with a very faint earthy note at the tail. At the start of the sip was a strong lavender taste, followed by some pineapple, fruitiness, earthy and a bit cloying sweetness. The sweetness coated the mouth and it was a bit too sweet for me.  That being said, this would be is a nice blend for someone who has a sweet tooth and is looking for something caffeine-free!

Another thing to note is when I read the ingredient list, I found what was the printed on my label (I picked up the blend in December 2019), was different than what is on the website (as of posting this review).  The website also listed stevia and the type of natural flavourings (vanilla, biscuit and butter). There may have been a slight reformulation since then, but I can not confirm. Below I have included was listed on my package (3/5 rating).

  • Type: Rooibos
  • Origin: Unknow
  • Caffeine: Caffeine-free
  • Ingredients: Rooibos, rosehips, candied pineapple, sugar, apple, Lavender, Natural flavouring
  • Other: Kosher
  • Company: DAVIDsTEA

The question of the post: What represents spring to you?

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1 comment

Kate June 9, 2020 - 1:27 am

Great article, i will have to try it! Do you have an article with brewing tips?


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