Next week is the World Tea Conference and Expo. While I won’t be attending, it seemed fitting to share this tea because I received it as a sample the last time I was there!
Description: “This blend is a unique flavor adventure with sweet notes of our organic black tea and the delicious and captivating bitters of cocoa. Ideal to drink hot to comfort the mood.” *Translated using Google Translate
Instructions: 95°C | 3 to 3:30 minutes | Drink hot or cold** **Based on translation using Google Translate
Review: Two years ago, I received this blend at the World Tea Conference and Expo. The sample packet did not come with brewing instructions. When I checked online, the company website only had recommendations for pyramid bags. Therefore, I used the suggested steeping temperature and times and brewed with 1 teaspoon of tea.

The dry leaves were dark brown, almost black colour, intermixed with light brown cocoa skins and cocoa chunks. The blend had a warm, earthy sweet smell. After steeping for 3 or 3:30 minutes, the small broken wet leaves had a reddish semi-dark chocolate colour. It smelled sweet, woody, bark, and roasted.

The liquor was a dark reddish golden orange brown with a warm, woodsy, earthy, and cocoa smell. The sip started off with an initial hint of sweetness. It then morphed into a strong woody taste and an underlying sweet raw cocoa and chocolate taste. The slip ended with some astringency on the tongue and back of the throat. When the liquor cooled, the raw cocoa taste was stronger along with some earthy notes. The difference between 3 minutes and 3:30 was very subtle.
In the past, I have tried a few raw cocoa blends and this tea reminded me of those. The blend had a nice balance and wasn’t very overwhelming sweet or cocoa. It is an enjoyable blend for the afternoon or if you are craving a “dessert” tea (3.5/5 rating).
- Type: Black tea
- Origin: Unknown
- Caffeine: Unknown
- Ingredients: Organic Black Tea, cocoa skin and cocoa chunks *Translated using Google Translate
- Company: Bitaco Tea
The question of the post: Have you had tea from Colombia before?