When I opened its tin, this one smelled like a strawberry garden!
I generally like orange and nutty based blends and this one combined both!
Despite having a tea blog, I do like coffee sometimes in the morning! So, when I saw this and smelled it, it really seemed like the best of both worlds.
As a fan of ginger, and only having tried a handful of turmeric blends, I wanted to see how these two will pair together!
One aspect of tea that I really enjoy is making the tea and sipping on it. I find the process very calming!
I’ve had a fair bit of earl greys but not a rooibos based one before!
I haven’t had a chance to visit a spice market, however, I can only imagine how aromatic it would smell!
I am a dessert kind of gal. If I’m offered dessert, I always have room for it! So, I always am a fan of dessert teas which blend both things …
When I first started my tea journey, I admit I wasn’t the biggest floral fan. However, over the years, I have grown to really like it!