I haven’t had many German tea blends before, so between that and the tea being scented with bourbon vanilla, it sounded like a lovely Sunday treat!
Description: “Our Sunday Tea is a classic morning blend from Northern Germany.”
Instructions: 1 teaspoon |2 – 3 minutes | 100°C/212°F
Review: The dark brown/black broken leaves had a vanilla, woody, spiced, and alcohol smell. In some way, it faintly reminded me of a Vanilla Coke. As soon as the hot water hit the dry leaves, the aroma of vanilla lingered in the air.

After 2 to 3 minutes, the liquor developed into a dark reddish-brown colour with a thin oily film on the top. The taste started woody and vanilla with a lingering alcoholic note. When the liquor was cooled, the flavours melded better with an additional roasted undertone. Steeped at 3 minutes, the liquor was more woody and less sweet, with dryness at the back of the throat.
The taste reminded me of a classic breakfast blend with the addition of the bourbon vanilla. It left a sweet bourbon vanilla taste on the tongue and mouth. When cooled, it had a more “alcoholic” note, maybe due to the bourbon? (Note: it was kindly pointed out to me in the comments that “Bourbon” refers to the place where the vanilla is grown in Madagascar and not the alcohol. That being said, the tea still smells and tastes alcoholic to me! So, I made some minor changes to the post to reflect my thoughts better.)

The twisted brown/dark brown wet leaves had a woody, charcoal, and roasted smell.
This was a pleasant tea, and yes, even on Sunday! It would be a nice treat for people who like classic breakfast blends but want a sweet vanilla twist to it. I am curious to try other German teas now (3.5/5 rating).
- Type: Black tea
- Origin: India, China
- Caffeine: Unknown
- Ingredients: Assam black tea, China OP, natural vanilla flavour
- Company: The Tea Haus
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It’s actually Bourbon Vanilla, from the Bourbon islands off Madagascar, famous for it’s vanilla production. Has nothing to do with bourbon, the alcohol.
Thanks for letting me know, Stephen! I tried the blend again and admittedly still smells and tastes alcoholic to me. It seems to be a common taste people pick up. What does it taste like to you?