Sloane Fine Tea Merchants’ Peaches and Cream | Tea Review

by Tea in Spoons

As peach season is here, of course, I had to sip on a fruity blend!

Description: “A beautiful blend of white tea infused with the natural sweetness of peach and finished with a vanilla top note.

Instructions: 3-4 min. 85°C/185°F | 1 rounded tsp. per 12 oz of water

Review: When I think of peaches, it reminds me of spring. While it is still a bit chilly here, a warm mug of tea seemed like a nice afternoon treat. The dry blend smelled like juicy peach candies such as Fuzzy Peaches as I opened the pouch opened.

The white tea leaves were quite broken and dark brown, almost black. These leaves were much darker than other white teas I’ve had in the past and for a second I didn’t realize it was a white tea blend. However, there were a few lighter fuzzy buds on closer inspection. Looking at the website, the blend seemed very different, as the picture showed large tea leaves and more buds. However, I did purchase a sample size, so that could have resulted in more broken tea leaves.

As the blend brewed for 3 minutes, there was a strong peach smell that lingered in the air as soon as the hot water hit the leaves. The honey-coloured liquor had a forward peach candy flavour, followed by sweetness. Then the sip switched into a hay and vegetal note with bitterness at the end of the sip. Once the bitterness dissipated, a pleasant juicy peach aftertaste reappeared that remained on the tongue. When cooled, the liquor was peachier but had more astringency and bitterness.

The brewed blend was made of broken dark olive brown colour leaves with a peach smell.

While I liked the peach flavour, I did not appreciate the bitterness, as it had a strange taste. I am unsure if the bitterness is the result of the broken leaves or the flavouring, but it took away from my enjoyment of the blend. This would be a potentially nice blend for someone who enjoys peach flavours but is not looking for a dessert blend (2.5/5 rating).

  • Type: White tea
  • Origin: Unknown
  • Caffeine: Unknown
  • Ingredients: China white tea, natural flavours
  • Company: Slone Fine Tea Merchants

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