I was craving a surprise so, I decided to get an Amoda Tea Month subscription box and not look up what is inside! It has been some time since I purchased a subscription box, so I was thrilled to see what I would get!
In this post, I wanted to showcase the August 2022 monthly box and also review 1 of the teas inside – Thésaurus Tea’s Monkey Kong!
2022 August Monthly Box

I decided on the Original Box which came with a mix of caffeine levels. It arrived in a flat package with four teas: 2 black, 1 white, and 1 herbal. All the teas/blends are small-batch brands and makers and hand-crafted! The featured companies were Thésaurus Tea, Steve’s Teas Company, and Jolene’s Tea House. Inside the box were also tasting notes from the curator, Lu Ann Pannunzio, postcards, and a roll of biodegradable tea filters.
If you want to see inside the subscription box, check out my unboxing video!
I decided rather than reviewing all the teas in one post, it would be nice to split up them up so each blend/company had a chance to shine. This week we’re starting with Monkey Kong!
Thésaurus Tea’s Monkey Kong

Description: “Notes of ripened banana, sweet cherry, nutty coconut and soft rose with a tart cranberry finish.”
Instructions: 1 tsp | 8 oz | freshly boiled | 3-5 minutes
Review: I have been eyeing Thésaurus Tea for some time since they have many blends that are inspired by multiple things from games, books, movies and more! While I didn’t grow up playing the game this tea was inspired by, I was still entertained by the idea of the blend.
After opening the re-sealable package, there was a strong banana candy smell from the dry blend which morphed into a cherry and fruit punch smell. This was no surprise based on the game the tea was based on! The dry blend was made of a scattering of ingredients ranging from leaves, flower petals, and fruity and berry pieces.

Once the freshly boiled water hit the dry blend, there was a fruity cherry and banana smell in the air. After brewing for 3 to 4 minutes, the liquor became a reddish amber colour. The main taste profile was cherries, bananas, and a hint of floral. The liquor left the back of the mouth dry. When brewing the blend for a shorter amount of time, there was a wider range of flavours but the notes were more mixed. This was especially true when cooled and the liquor reminded me of a banana and cherry smoothie. Cherry ended up being the most dominating flavour that lingered in the mouth.
I also tried leaving the tea overnight in the fridge and there was a swell of cherry and banana flavour with the cherry flavour lingering in the back of the mouth. Lastly, the wet blend was small broken leaves and a mixture of ingredients with a scent of fruits, bananas, and cherries.
Overall, this blend lived up to its game it was inspired by the banana-heavy notes. It was also nice to see the other fruity and floral notes as well. This would be a nice tea if you like the game or more fruity teas with dominating banana and cherry notes (3.5/5 rating).
- Type: Black tea
- Origin: Unknown
- Caffeine: High caffeine
- Ingredients: Black tea, blackberry leaves, rose petals, linden petals, safflower petals, banana pieces, coconut, cranberry pieces, cherry pieces and stems, natural organic compliant flavours
- Company: Thésaurus Tea (ft. Amoda Tea)
The question of the post: Do you play video games?
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